How to Give Away Promotion Products

So, you have gone through all the phases of your promotional campaign. You have decided what you are promoting, the style of your promotion, and have even bought your promotional products. Then it dawns on you that you gave no real thought as to where or how to distribute your promotional products.
What good is all the work you have done on your promotional campaign if you fail to get out the word, which, after all is the reason for the campaign in the first place? Whether you are a small business owner, a member of a large corporation, or and individual salesmen, there are a number of effective places to distribute your promotional products. Knowing where these places are is of a great priority for any effective promotional campaign.

Determining the Means of Distribution
At first glance it may seem that there are only a few ways to distribute promotional products. After all, we are bombarded with promotional products every day. They come to us in the mail, on television, over the Internet, and even on the windshields of our cars. However, a successful promotional campaign takes advantage of using places and ways to give away promotional products that not everyone thinks of.

Sure, the mail is a great way to distribute, but customers have become so used to junk mail they don’t even glance at it half the time before throwing it away. The Internet is a great way to get a message across, but given all the competition it is very difficult to stick in someone’s mind. Television is still effective, but very expensive. Yet, there are plenty of other places to give away items, such as trade shows, movie theaters, and just standing outside and giving things away to people who pass you by. Taking advantage of these and other such places is a great way to spread your promotional products.

Taking Advantage of Trade Shows
There are trade shows happening for almost every single business out there. These are places where people involved in a similar trade gather to learn from one another, check out up coming products, and network with other individuals. This is also a great place to give away your promotional products. After all, considering the reason for the trade show is to promote a particular trade, it makes sense everyone there would be interested in your promotion. Another advantage to trade shows is that you can see what other people are doing to promote the same or similar products.

Putting on a Contest
Another often overlooked area to give away promotional products is contests. While this may take some effort setting up, it can surely be worth it. Nothing gets people excited like a well put together contest. These contests can range from something as simple as sponsoring a radio show that gives away your promotional products as a prize to all out marketing blitz designed to gain maximum exposure in a geographical area. However, one thing to be careful of when using a contest to distribute your promotional products is to make it a contest people want to win. To often people design contests with a prize that no one is very wild about winning. So make sure that you have good things to give away when using this approach.

Giving it Away at the Store
Perhaps one of the most overlooked areas to give away promotional products is at the store you are attempting to promote in the first place. This is actually quite understandable, as it can kind seem pointless to promote your store to someone who already patronizes it. However, it actually makes a great amount of sense when put in the proper light.

You want your customers to come back. People tend to go back to places they remember. A great way to get someone to remember your store (or service) is to give that person something that he or she wants. This something can range from something cheap, to something more elaborate. Perhaps you can even generate extra sales by giving away something if someone spends a certain amount at one time. The sky is the limit when giving away promotional products not only in your store, but other places as well. The main thing to remember is to be creative, memorable and notable. If you master these elements than any promotional campaign can be successful.